Shout Box History |
Arney5: 8:00 on till everyone leaves. 04-02-2014 6:19:pm |
| Racer18: Arney when do you normally play? 03-02-2014 9:29:am |
| Racer18: Boo 01-02-2014 1:07:pm |
| ultraman: Arney, are ya online here? 06-01-2014 11:57:pm |
thebomber: got new comp r apt everyone will post pics mayb later 03-01-2014 6:39:pm |
Arney5: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! 01-01-2014 11:31:am |
Paladin: Merry Christmas everyone! 25-12-2013 7:40:am |
| Vorarbeiter: i reinstalled ET - hope to see some of you online sometimes 22-12-2013 11:59:am |
Arney5: ya widows he's retarted. 18-12-2013 10:22:pm |
Widow: Yeah I tried to comment on it but it wouldnt let me! How did ya do that? 12-12-2013 5:01:pm |
| capncaveman: widow did you see the pics of my finger? 11-12-2013 8:10:am |
Widow: Leave it Liddy to bring pervertedness into the shout box. 09-12-2013 10:20:am |
Arney5: are you off your meds or something? 08-12-2013 1:20:am |
Liddy: What's up ladies? Popped in to harass you guys a little in the shout box. The "shout box" makes me think of a really big vagina. Is there an echo in here? 07-12-2013 8:07:pm |
ottyhall03: if i dont see u guys happy thanksgiving 27-11-2013 7:43:am |
| neropl: I had talk to their medics and made them an offer they can't refuse and have to revive now 25-11-2013 3:36:pm |
Arney5: what you do break em? 24-11-2013 5:43:pm |
| neropl: sorry no bots at the moment they getting fixed 24-11-2013 5:41:pm |
Arney5: go to forms and join hr to fill out an appl, 11-11-2013 7:05:pm |
ottyhall03: all we had was hax 11-11-2013 2:39:pm |
ottyhall03: hey rasta i want to join the clan nero contact me at [E-Mail] 11-11-2013 2:00:pm |
Widow: Happy Halloween 31-10-2013 10:53:am |
ottyhall03: hello folks how r ya 23-10-2013 10:50:pm |
| neropl: that's why he's not gonna get it 21-10-2013 5:37:pm |
| Rasta: If you give the Capn back an etkey, he'll be able to keep his score and make me look bad. 14-10-2013 11:09:am |
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