Shout Box History |
| NINJANICK: hello i just figured out that i am lvl 3 now.i was wondering who did this to me so i can thank them. 04-03-2009 5:26:pm |
| xXSmoshiXx: Elffin is awesome 04-03-2009 3:28:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: hey elffin - never met ya on the server but im lookin forward to it 03-03-2009 11:36:pm |
| Elffin: I hope to see everybody in the game soon! 03-03-2009 7:47:pm |
| Elffin: HEY ALL! 03-03-2009 7:46:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: thank u taz! 03-03-2009 4:08:pm |
| TazQc: Take care of yourself and come back to us in good shape 03-03-2009 3:39:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: im ill and because of that i wont be that often on hR sorry :/ 03-03-2009 2:24:pm |
| Fear: hi racer im good u? 03-03-2009 11:20:am |
| TazQc: Good and you Racer? 02-03-2009 4:46:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: nvm 02-03-2009 4:45:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: lunar i searched u at yfire but couldnt find u! 02-03-2009 4:44:pm |
| Stormleader: Going good 02-03-2009 1:55:pm |
| Racer18: Hi all, hows it going? 02-03-2009 1:48:pm |
Po0oF: im on now storm jump on 28-02-2009 5:37:pm |
| Stormleader: I haven't been able to get Po0of to spec me yet. 28-02-2009 5:16:pm |
| Stormleader: Gah 28-02-2009 5:15:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: thank u 28-02-2009 5:54:am |
| TazQc: it should be fix now 27-02-2009 11:20:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: seems like everybody has to download all the pk3files every new single map 27-02-2009 7:32:pm |
| Bob-pl: foo fighters? 0_o XD 27-02-2009 5:14:pm |
| xXSmoshiXx: They are ok. But their old stuff was better. 26-02-2009 11:22:am |
| Vorarbeiter: guys i love the foo fighters 25-02-2009 9:43:pm |
| Stormleader: That was Epic fun Mastar 25-02-2009 1:41:pm |
| xXSmoshiXx: Higgeo, I remember you from when I've used to play on the Blood Bucket Servers 25-02-2009 9:50:am |
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