Shout Box History |
| NINJANICK: what is GL 11-03-2009 1:34:pm |
| neropl: Sorry , site was down because we did full backup before major upgrade 11-03-2009 7:41:am |
| Elffin: yup! I did it alone! thanks! but a few people did help me, but they went afk before it ended. 10-03-2009 8:48:pm |
| Fear: you did that alone?!?!? :O! 10-03-2009 8:36:pm |
| Tomun: Congrats 10-03-2009 6:11:am |
| Elffin: I JUST BEAT BASERACE BY MYSELF!!! W000T! completed the whole base thats the 3rd time i've beaten it! 09-03-2009 3:58:pm |
| xXSmoshiXx: I wouldn't mind having the TS IP as well 08-03-2009 8:42:pm |
| Elffin: yeah, I mostly play on RW but if nobody is on that then I may play HR. 08-03-2009 3:35:pm |
| TazQc: i'll send it to you in a PM Ninjanick 08-03-2009 3:23:pm |
| Bob-pl: i thought hes talkin bout HR.! srry effin 08-03-2009 2:42:pm |
| NINJANICK: what is the server address and password for hostile-reality teamspeak? 08-03-2009 2:20:pm |
| TazQc: And yes Elffin 07-03-2009 5:18:pm |
| TazQc: RW is level 2 Bob 07-03-2009 5:17:pm |
| Bob-pl: its level 3 here XD read stickes first and be active 07-03-2009 12:40:pm |
| Elffin: Well I just quit =F|A=, so now once I get lvl 2 here, I can put in an application. 07-03-2009 12:02:pm |
| Elffin: cool! 06-03-2009 5:25:pm |
| xXSmoshiXx: Yes that was me, was only their for a few minutes though 06-03-2009 2:09:pm |
| Elffin: wait! smoshi! were you on the f|a servers some? I think I may have seen you on there. 05-03-2009 5:47:pm |
| Elffin: Congratz Storm! 05-03-2009 5:45:pm |
| Elffin: ok! I can play today while my dad is working at the library! w00t! 05-03-2009 2:58:pm |
| Stormleader: Yeah, Elffin's really fun to play with 05-03-2009 11:49:am |
| Elffin: my room is always awesome....but I just cleaned it anyways 04-03-2009 9:01:pm |
| Elffin: ah. My sister was just grounded because she didn't clean her room..... 04-03-2009 9:00:pm |
| NINJANICK: i havent been on because i am grounded. 04-03-2009 6:32:pm |
| Elffin: yup I am awesome! 04-03-2009 6:28:pm |
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