Shout Box History |
 | bornboy: lol i will  04-09-2009 5:48:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: i wanna hear born singing hot and cold! 04-09-2009 5:44:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: oh im sorry born - this link was from the members-area. so idk if u r allowed to have the adress... ask taz or nero pls 03-09-2009 4:05:am |
 | bornboy: VORA HAS A URL FAIL!!! The topic or post you requested does not exist 02-09-2009 9:59:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: happy birthday ron(ald mcdonal) 02-09-2009 6:07:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: im getting crazy - my internetprovider should be executet!!!! i ld do it personally! im losing my internet again and again and again (allways have to replug the cables)  31-08-2009 3:07:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: read this [URL] 31-08-2009 10:17:am |
 | bornboy: hey uhh whats the e-mail i send my etkey to for safekeeping? 31-08-2009 8:25:am |
 | bornboy: LOL vora 30-08-2009 8:50:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: without a mic? thank god so i can join ts again  30-08-2009 5:41:am |
 | bornboy: my dad just bought me headset w/ a mic attached to it  29-08-2009 6:25:pm |
 | TazQc: Ramro, idk if you see that but you are getting kick because your name is too short 26-08-2009 8:19:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: im watching Platoon right now - very hard stuff  24-08-2009 4:56:pm |
 | Mastar: hee ritz how are you doing, Are you still playing et, if so were? hope to see you sometimes in some server. 24-08-2009 3:21:pm |
Ritz: Yo whats up xiaufox 23-08-2009 3:19:pm |
Liddy: I'm outta town tonight so no me to tk all of you guys. But you guys enjoy the rest of your weekends. 22-08-2009 1:23:pm |
 | Mastar: going playing....yall 21-08-2009 10:15:am |
 | capncaveman: i will get on around 9pm eastern time 20-08-2009 7:20:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: crazy - its now 8pm servertime and no one is online ^^ 19-08-2009 6:59:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: sry guys that i got disconnected but i have some problems with my internet tonight 19-08-2009 4:23:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: aww capn u left the server when i connected 19-08-2009 6:26:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: am i the only one who cant connect to xfire anymore? ^^ 19-08-2009 5:08:am |
 | capncaveman: the server needs to be restarted 3:25 pm 10-08-2009 2:26:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: did = they o.O 08-08-2009 12:55:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: cause i was asking why did baned capn lol 08-08-2009 12:55:am |
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