Shout Box History |
 | Vorarbeiter: this weekend im goin to put my new amd x2 5200+ in my system  25-09-2009 4:40:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: omg its ruuudiiiiii  23-09-2009 11:01:pm |
Rudolf: hey guys 23-09-2009 6:58:pm |
 | neropl: that's why they disconnected lol 23-09-2009 12:42:pm |
 | rambozo37: aww why you disconnected guys??? i started to fell my aim was comig back....  22-09-2009 11:34:am |
 | Mastar: hi fellas 15-09-2009 6:21:am |
 | Fear: I agree with fiesty, capn is god dang hot! 13-09-2009 9:33:am |
 | bornboy: LOLZ!!! 11-09-2009 7:19:pm |
 | FiestyFemale: if I were in a real battle the enemy would just surrender at my feet LOL 10-09-2009 8:14:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: oh oh! seems like there will be a battle about the favour of fiesty  10-09-2009 11:53:am |
 | neropl: capn is right I have problem even in game lol 10-09-2009 7:55:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: and what??  08-09-2009 11:02:pm |
 | capncaveman: if fiest went to real battle the soldiers would stop and  08-09-2009 2:42:pm |
powell: Superb game on server today! Loved it! 07-09-2009 1:16:pm |
 | bornboy: Lol 06-09-2009 1:54:pm |
 | FiestyFemale: capncaveman is hot  06-09-2009 12:44:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: discipline - cause this is hoooligaaangs ohohoooo heeaaveen yeahe 05-09-2009 7:32:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: joordy! but i dont know who exactly it is... lets see if he s goin to post somethingh about his person 05-09-2009 6:01:pm |
 | bornboy: pretty sure there still is but btw who is the newest registered user goordy or joordy 05-09-2009 5:57:pm |
 | Vorarbeiter: does somebody know whats goin on with hellbringer? is there stilll a computerproblem? 05-09-2009 2:49:am |
 | Vorarbeiter: so ill be back on ts soon fiesty just push capn off the computer - to play on a laptop isnt that good anyway 05-09-2009 2:21:am |
 | FiestyFemale: I miss playing!!! laptop died. I will be back someday! 04-09-2009 7:55:pm |
 | bornboy: oh also i will sing on ts  04-09-2009 5:49:pm |
 | bornboy: i also sing i kissed a girl - katy perry, and im just a kid - simple plan  04-09-2009 5:49:pm |
 | bornboy: just give me a time and a place  04-09-2009 5:48:pm |
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