Shout Box History |
| Rasta: Robonap - Sleeps for you while you are gaming... 30-01-2010 12:07:am |
| Vorarbeiter: now it works fine... i guess somebody reconfigurated it... ^^ 28-01-2010 1:45:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: i have some massiv internetproblems here... seems like i need a new modem :/ (happy that it works now at least for some seconds...) and im back home saturday! 28-01-2010 10:31:am |
| Rasta: Meddle not with Dragons, for you are crunchy, and good with ketchup. 28-01-2010 4:32:am |
| Vorarbeiter: weekend soon! if i wont go away we ll see us more often my friends 28-01-2010 4:11:am |
| Rasta: My battle sense is tingling.. 26-01-2010 3:40:pm |
| Rasta: Well, we got Arney5 25-01-2010 7:28:pm |
Arney5: yes it is. it's under gull. to make a fool of;to mislead by deception;to trick. 25-01-2010 6:39:pm |
| Rasta: 'Gullible' isn't in the dictionary. Go ahead, look it up! 25-01-2010 5:46:pm |
| Rasta: "Gullible" isn't in the dictionary. Go ahead, look it up! 25-01-2010 5:46:pm |
| Rasta: Welcome back Capt N! 24-01-2010 12:52:am |
| Vorarbeiter: capn i s back!!!! 23-01-2010 5:15:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: noo my gaming time is usually about 9 or 10 pm 22-01-2010 7:37:am |
| Rasta: Try getting up earlier Vora.. Everyone goes to bed just before you get up.. 21-01-2010 11:43:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: server is like empty everytime i look 21-01-2010 2:14:pm |
| Rasta: LOL, I am on different time zone now, and no access until much later in the day. To keep my sanity (the little that is left) I use my little laptop until then 21-01-2010 6:34:am |
ottyhall03: rasta where u ben buddy 21-01-2010 5:49:am |
| Fear: is actully destroying an entire army by himself on cod4 20-01-2010 4:11:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: ya your true... its more like bruce willis 17-01-2010 8:12:am |
| Rasta: LOL - Tom Cruise has nothing on you Vora.. 17-01-2010 7:41:am |
| Vorarbeiter: tom cruise copied it from me... (just like his coolness t 17-01-2010 5:52:am |
| Rasta: Vora, Tom Cruise called. He said he had copyrite on the scene from "Risky Business", you have to stop the dancing 16-01-2010 8:37:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: [URL] 16-01-2010 3:49:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: beer and good music makes vora swing around in front of the computer 16-01-2010 2:33:pm |
| Rasta: I am Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Rasta, and I'm at your service. 16-01-2010 3:25:am |
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