Shout Box History |
| Fear: rum ftw lol 10-03-2010 10:56:am |
| Vorarbeiter: i bet u have been the only 150km runner who drank a litr rum instead of water 10-03-2010 10:40:am |
| Vorarbeiter: if this is like... hey vora u r young why dont u do such amaazing things like that?!... my knees are bad allready 10-03-2010 10:39:am |
| Rasta: And, about the *leg power*, I used to be a long distance runner (until my knees got bad) so I made up the kilometers on bicycles. Up to 150 Kms per day.. hey,. 10-03-2010 10:25:am |
| Vorarbeiter: lol.. but there are alot of discussions in several states about immigrants as far as i noticed 10-03-2010 8:21:am |
| Rasta: Canadian Immigration Standards - Click on [URL] 10-03-2010 7:27:am |
| Vorarbeiter: legpower? pff... i just cant wait to get my wheelpower in a month 10-03-2010 5:21:am |
| Rasta: I once drove a bike with a broken shift cable, a coin under the derailer (only high gear) and drove around the Carribean Islands that way.. Leg Power ! 10-03-2010 4:30:am |
| Vorarbeiter: i have a bicycle where only 3 shifts are working 09-03-2010 11:05:pm |
| Rasta: I have a motorbike. .Been parked since before Vora was born Maybe I should put in on the road this year.. maybe 09-03-2010 8:46:pm |
| mgtpl: Just started my motorcycle after total rebuilt of the engine. Started at first attempt 09-03-2010 3:24:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: wth!!! RASTA IN LOVE!!!!! 09-03-2010 12:36:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: the shoutbox didnt posted the 09-03-2010 12:35:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: rasta in 09-03-2010 12:35:pm |
| Rasta: Just missed you Otty. I logged out to check email, you logged in, and when I discovered it in Game Tracker, you were gone again. .Later, after Springer 09-03-2010 6:14:am |
| Fear: oops 08-03-2010 3:37:pm |
| TazQc: I didn't gave you the right one Fear call me 06-03-2010 9:18:pm |
| TazQc: I didn't gave you the right one Fear call me 06-03-2010 9:17:pm |
| Fear: what happened? 06-03-2010 9:12:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: [URL] 06-03-2010 6:56:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: omg somebody saw what happened to the pokerchampionechip in berlin... this is unbelievable... makes me angry as hell 06-03-2010 11:59:am |
| Vorarbeiter: old fashioned 05-03-2010 7:33:am |
| Rasta: You are *so* old Vora 05-03-2010 4:39:am |
| Vorarbeiter: lol im not! i hate the gangster-rap-youth-cu lture, i think most of them have no respect of anything... 04-03-2010 10:59:pm |
| Rasta: LOL Vora.. You may only be afflicted by youth 04-03-2010 7:42:am |
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