Shout Box History |
| Vorarbeiter: rawr yourself 06-03-2011 2:20:pm |
| bornboy: Rawr 06-03-2011 11:09:am |
| Vorarbeiter: which error do you see when it doesnt connect? 05-03-2011 4:00:am |
Havik: cant 04-03-2011 6:49:pm |
Havik: i can log onto the server 04-03-2011 6:48:pm |
Arney5: Ya,same here.if it wasn't for me you ppl's would have a lower xp.besides it's better for me to donate than have head aches with my own server.anyway thanks. 28-02-2011 11:00:am |
| Rasta: LOL Nero, Catchup Time.. But thanks.. I still prefer to be the Token Clan Target 28-02-2011 9:57:am |
| neropl: grnwng , Rasta and Arney thank you for your donations ,guy's you playing on this server only because of these generous man please remember that when you shooting at them 28-02-2011 8:29:am |
| neropl: I knew it will 26-02-2011 10:12:am |
Arney5: hey nero,i loaded mozilla and now it works. 26-02-2011 12:16:am |
| neropl: Imean update Java lol 24-02-2011 5:49:pm |
Arney5: mine does to for a sec,then flashes and they are gone.and i did up date my 24-02-2011 11:02:am |
| neropl: update you flush for me shows all over the world red dots 24-02-2011 8:58:am |
Arney5: hey nero,my globe only shows me.whats wrong?is this normal? 23-02-2011 9:40:pm |
| neropl: Arney please turn it on when playing aganist me lol 23-02-2011 12:12:pm |
| Fear: it works well lol 23-02-2011 11:41:am |
Arney5: ya,i have a's called Kill Arney Easy. 23-02-2011 11:35:am |
| neropl: Anyway I think we will load our second server with vietnam this weekend before we get rid of it, we can't keep it for long because donations are low and can't afford it anymore 23-02-2011 9:08:am |
| neropl: Arney that server has pb on you should turn off your hacks lol 23-02-2011 9:06:am |
Arney5: well that server for nam banned me before it even loaded up.any where else you can play it? 22-02-2011 10:51:pm |
| Fear: i dont have an new one so i guess my old 21-02-2011 10:18:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: new or old one? 21-02-2011 11:42:am |
| Fear: COMPUTER WORKING NOW! 21-02-2011 1:17:am |
| GulaschKanone: Pity, I cant connect to the server 17-02-2011 12:52:pm |
| Rasta: Lovely. Power out for entire town last night, many hours. Some unrelated Cell Phone towers were down. Completely *in the dark*. Twitter feeds told me this morning that power might be off. Yeah, that was helpful! 17-02-2011 4:56:am |
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