Shout Box History |
| Rasta: What doesn't kill me is dead when I'm through with it. 05-05-2011 2:19:pm |
| Rasta: Imagine if birds were tickled by feathers. 05-05-2011 7:35:am |
| Rasta: RawR yourself BB, where were you at *Game Time*? You were conspicuous by your absense! 04-05-2011 7:05:am |
| bornboy: RawR 03-05-2011 11:32:pm |
| Rasta: But not for XP, just for Win7 or (gag) Vista 03-05-2011 9:29:am |
| GulaschKanone: Mast3r: You know that IE9 is final already? 03-05-2011 8:33:am |
| Rasta: It takes a lot to get a seat, ask May. And it takes a lot to get one back, ask Duceppe. 02-05-2011 11:59:pm |
| Rasta: CBC is predicting the oranges will make up the second most fruit in the salad bowl 02-05-2011 9:38:pm |
| Rasta: Osama Bin Laden - former Hide-N-Seek title holder. Now to find the rest of them! 02-05-2011 10:53:am |
| Rasta: Osama sue took Sheen out of the news 02-05-2011 10:53:am |
| Mast3r: i mainly design web sites using firefox but the new ie 9 is a huge improvement over 8. just downloaded the beta version and it's a lot faster 01-05-2011 7:16:pm |
| GulaschKanone: New picture from Suckingham Palace: https://fbcdn-sphotos os-ak-ash4/215252_101 50174419727949_984961 92948_6999486_2112803 _n.jpg 01-05-2011 5:34:am |
philipjfry: true 29-04-2011 8:12:pm |
| Rasta: I'm getting pretty fond of Firefox myself. Sure faster! 29-04-2011 6:15:pm |
philipjfry: 29-04-2011 5:01:am |
philipjfry: rasta i use and love firefox 29-04-2011 5:01:am |
| Rasta: Had to restore my image again, decided to try Firefox this time. Pretty decent.. 28-04-2011 7:29:pm |
ottyhall03: hello ppl rasta i cant even get ransom my friend help 28-04-2011 7:58:am |
| Rasta: Run Ottybot, Run! 24-04-2011 1:38:pm |
ottyhall03: happy eastre ev1 rasta she kidnaped me help 24-04-2011 7:30:am |
| Vorarbeiter: if it would be that easy i ld have visit you guys allready. btw i readed that about the chinese student :/ damn how disturbing 22-04-2011 5:27:pm |
| Rasta: I have a Spare House Vora.. Bring work gloves... 21-04-2011 4:02:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: uhm... hey! your right... gotta tell her that after work thx rasta (hope i can live in your house when she throws me outta here) 20-04-2011 11:44:pm |
| Rasta: Vora, are you real attached to your girlfriend? Which came first, ET or your GF? ..justsayin' 20-04-2011 5:22:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: sry guys for the inactivity. i will have holidays next week and as long as my gf lets me ill try to join in the night 19-04-2011 11:42:pm |
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