Shout Box History |
| Vorarbeiter: arney finalled did it... gratz! omg capn is goin to do the same with me 02-10-2011 6:01:am |
Arney5: that was awsome vora 02-10-2011 12:36:am |
Arney5: top ten players looks good,eh taz? 02-10-2011 12:32:am |
| Vorarbeiter: dave grohl is F*in awesome! watch this [URL] 01-10-2011 8:21:pm |
| Rasta: I came here to - [URL] 20-09-2011 7:38:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: havnt seen u on xfire for a long time 20-09-2011 10:45:am |
| GulaschKanone: You are a pirate original version ^^ [URL] 18-09-2011 10:59:am |
| Rasta: Stalking - [URL] 13-09-2011 9:10:am |
| Vorarbeiter: i dont hear that often so thx alot 10-09-2011 2:27:pm |
| neropl: Vora you are right 10-09-2011 12:41:pm |
| GulaschKanone: 16 hours in a week ? 2.2 hours a day :> 08-09-2011 12:49:pm |
| Rasta: LOL, I got behind in the Postal Strike time. I intended to make a small contribution every month to the server, to support it, will have to *catch up* later when I actually go OUTSIDE again. 08-09-2011 10:20:am |
| Vorarbeiter: 1/75th ranger played more than 1000minutes the last 7days - a candidate to me to get more lvls 08-09-2011 2:36:am |
Arney5: thanks nero,your a peach. 07-09-2011 6:44:pm |
| neropl: just want to thank Arney for his constant donations and asking everybody to not kill Arney for a day to show your appreciation 07-09-2011 1:54:pm |
| Rasta: LOL at Vora 07-09-2011 12:23:am |
| Vorarbeiter: only for rasta: [URL] 06-09-2011 1:44:pm |
| Rasta: I like the *Pirate* map, The bots don't shoot me. 06-09-2011 11:07:am |
| Vorarbeiter: i had to google that word but LOL! 06-09-2011 2:32:am |
| GulaschKanone: Vora, it was probably a pebkac 05-09-2011 4:22:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: why was the site down? ^^ i had a ping but no connection 05-09-2011 2:45:pm |
philipjfry: taz nero laptop fully dead will be on meh 29-08-2011 9:02:pm |
| Rasta: Happy Birthday Otty, wherever you are.. Gonna have to hunt you down to PWN you for your Bday 29-08-2011 7:38:am |
| Rasta: So finally, I get to play late night with the *bigboy* bots, and Vora, then in the blink of power flux, I was gone. Yet, dispite the *internet* connection glitch, power is on this morning _ IRENE! You Suck! 29-08-2011 7:26:am |
| Rasta: Sheesh, got all excited this morning to see VORAs name in online players.. Missed that *JUNIOR* at the end. sooo quiet in the mornings... 26-08-2011 7:25:am |
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