Shout Box History |
| Rasta: There is a SEX room in our TS? I've been meaning to explore TS.. now I know why.. Is this why sometimes a player seems distracted? 06-11-2011 3:03:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: why do we have a sexroom in our ts-channel!? o.O (and how the hack do i get access!?) 06-11-2011 3:55:am |
| neropl: I was thinking of myself Vora but may correct that if you wish lol 04-11-2011 5:24:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: Widow_IamBeautiful? does that mean nero is beautiful? otherwise it should be Widow_isBeautiful 04-11-2011 2:00:pm |
Widow: I am confused! 02-11-2011 6:03:pm |
| neropl: good question Vora let make vote on name for Widow 02-11-2011 5:47:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: widow&beautiful? does that mean shadow is the beautiful? or is widow schizo?? 02-11-2011 11:54:am |
| Rasta: LOL, yes Arney, that was *ME* with that fancy *white* beard.. well, at least this week, next week it could be handlebars and bluehair 01-11-2011 7:18:am |
Rudolf: hey everyone 31-10-2011 5:39:pm |
Arney5: hey rasta,was that you with the fancy white beard? 28-10-2011 6:44:pm |
| Rasta: I got asked to appear on TV, Global TV to speak my mind as a Military Veteran who supports OccupyNS movement, if you get Global Feed you may see me speak out 26-10-2011 4:04:pm |
| Rasta: Been actively supporting the Occupy Movement in Halifax, they just got ordered to move [URL] 25-10-2011 6:02:pm |
| capncaveman: I MISS ETNAM 19-10-2011 11:12:am |
ottyhall03: hello ppl how r u guys long time no here hope ev1 is fine ur friend otty 19-10-2011 7:22:am |
| Fear: IOS5 update today :D! 12-10-2011 10:59:am |
| Vorarbeiter: stop sleeping! 11-10-2011 3:03:pm |
| GulaschKanone: darn, all matches are at these times when i'm in bed ;_; 10-10-2011 12:42:pm |
Arney5: nero i o by what's below. 08-10-2011 1:13:am |
| neropl: [URL] 07-10-2011 8:20:pm |
| neropl: Taz is ok and will be coming on server soon 06-10-2011 5:29:pm |
Widow: Bomber, where the heck have ya been!?! 05-10-2011 5:21:pm |
Arney5: hows taz doing anyway? 03-10-2011 11:19:pm |
Arney5: hey bomber,i think it's a glich in the download.i get that once in a while too.just reconnect and should be fiine. 03-10-2011 11:19:pm |
thebomber: y wont my comp work with new maps it keeps sayin missin pak 3 03-10-2011 8:40:pm |
| neropl: Arney come back lol 03-10-2011 7:25:pm |
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