Shout Box History |
| neropl: Vora going back to swolfbrasil I agree he was quite often on server and looks like he didn't speak English but was using aimbot all the time lol 22-11-2011 9:12:am |
| Vorarbeiter: i allready downloaded it - i just mentioned it cause i thought its bad if new ppl wanna join 22-11-2011 3:28:am |
| neropl: Vora there maybe was moment when I was changing map and they were not ready to download, if you have issues go to link provided in forum for list of maps 21-11-2011 5:02:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: my car failed the technical check - im pissed and bankruped 21-11-2011 10:04:am |
| Vorarbeiter: problem again: when i download another map ET crashs and the good old msn2000-url is opening 20-11-2011 5:11:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: just saw swolfbrasil got banned... he was playin pretty regulary here and i just guess he didnt understood english 20-11-2011 5:09:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: CAAAAPN!!! 18-11-2011 4:12:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: at 27th of november i wanna see a whole lotta xmas-maps!!! 18-11-2011 3:56:am |
Rudolf: hey adjudicator 16-11-2011 10:55:pm |
| Rasta: Gotta plan out tomorrow [URL] 16-11-2011 8:56:pm |
| Rasta: Nevermind. does not like the URL 16-11-2011 5:57:pm |
| Rasta: *would-be* thief hurt in *fall* (that didn't work) [URL] =1#!/novascotiarasta/ status/13695463933254 8608/photo/1/large 16-11-2011 5:56:pm |
| Rasta: Funny *would-be* thief hurt in *fall* =1#!/novascotiarasta/ status/13695463933254 8608/photo/1/large 16-11-2011 5:55:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: nice so u ll be on TS soon? 14-11-2011 3:18:am |
philipjfry: I AM GETTING HEADPHONES SOON 12-11-2011 9:38:pm |
Widow: Denied! 08-11-2011 5:29:pm |
| neropl: sorry guys but only regular users of ts would get password so get on ts and start using it 08-11-2011 1:37:pm |
| neropl: widow is right life is short let's get most of it 08-11-2011 1:36:pm |
| Rasta: Hey, imma gonna need a password for the TS Porn channel I am *almost* old enough 08-11-2011 8:50:am |
| Vorarbeiter: cause staring on the tv and wearing a wired headset may handicap you doin it. 08-11-2011 2:38:am |
Widow: Why not have fun and do all three?!? 07-11-2011 8:12:pm |
| neropl: why watch it if you can do it? 07-11-2011 5:20:pm |
Arney5: why listen to porn when you can watch it? 07-11-2011 4:58:pm |
| neropl: sexroom is passworded so there is no access to underage players lol 07-11-2011 3:13:pm |
Widow: See what happens when your not on TS, you miss out on all the fun 06-11-2011 7:07:pm |
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