Shout Box History |
| neropl: the true score is on splater ladder though if you login to our server account it's quite amazing there 07-05-2012 8:18:am |
| neropl: Arney this top player score I think we reached max and it won't go more then that. I did before you and stayed on that number and you joined me after. 07-05-2012 8:16:am |
| Rasta: Folk You Otty! How is your limp wrists doing? Ready for some gaming yet? 12-04-2012 2:17:pm |
ottyhall03: happy late easter folke 12-04-2012 12:48:pm |
| Rasta: Horn Broken, Watch For Finger! https://lh4.googleuse JXhw/T3cXeEpsLOI/AAAA AAAAALs/k5ao_F5Puyk/s 583/b1.jpg 31-03-2012 11:14:am |
| Rasta: 6 week follow-up to see if we need to remove more *finger* if not successful to stop growth 30-03-2012 8:35:pm |
| Rasta: In & out in an hour. Three day *stoppage of tweets* no gaming at least a week, gave everyone the finger in traffic driving home 30-03-2012 8:35:pm |
Arney5: outstanding.wish you the best. 30-03-2012 10:35:am |
| Rasta: Hey, got a finger in the door on my surgery. There is a cancellation tomorrow afternoon. I might be able to touch the mouse after a few days, if i don't restart it bleeding. Not expected (yet) to lose whole end of my finger, might still be able to pick my nose someday! 29-03-2012 2:12:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: is ultraman registered in the forums? he is online everytime i start working - vry regular player 28-03-2012 12:53:am |
| capncaveman: lol true nero i was referring to the game server 26-03-2012 8:57:pm |
| neropl: we have web server, TS server and game server 25-03-2012 6:37:pm |
| neropl: can you be more specific what server it is? 25-03-2012 5:21:pm |
| capncaveman: server keeps going offline 25-03-2012 12:23:pm |
| Rasta: Hey, belated Happy Birthday Taz. Missed seeing that on Twitter yesterday 22-03-2012 8:45:am |
| TazQc: Thank you guys!!! 21-03-2012 7:50:pm |
ottyhall03: taz happy birfff day lol 21-03-2012 6:33:pm |
Paladin: Happy birthday Taz! 21-03-2012 3:39:pm |
| Vorarbeiter: happy birthday to the king of the day :)! 21-03-2012 1:59:pm |
| neropl: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAZ!!!!! 21-03-2012 1:51:pm |
| Rasta: Like that is gonna happen Vora Paladin asked me who VORA was that just killed him. I said A BOT at the moment XD 21-03-2012 8:55:am |
| Vorarbeiter: 3guys on the server and i have to work :/ ill join u guys when im home - STAY THERE FELLAS!!! 21-03-2012 8:07:am |
| Rasta: The entire city of Halifax is green. And drunk. Happy St. Patrick's Day! (makes me want to hock up a greenie) 17-03-2012 1:37:pm |
| Killaz: XD Thanks Capn! 14-03-2012 6:47:pm |
| capncaveman: I WANT STRIKER BACK !!! 14-03-2012 11:46:am |
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